Students at Wymondham College undertake Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) a varied programme to meet students' needs and enable them to consider a variety of necessary and interesting topics that are not always delivered through other subjects in the core curriculum. A comprehensive PSHE programme has been designed and is delivered twice fortnightly to Key Stage 3 and 4 students by a designated team of teachers. PSHE is designed to promote the Spiritual, Moral, Cultural, Mental and Physical development of students.
The curriculum is structured so that the topics follow a progression from one year to the next, are appropriate for the age and experiences of students and are within the guidelines set by the Department for Education.
As head of PSHE my primary role is to ensure that the topics that are being covered are relevant to and follow the guidelines set by the Department of Education. Additionally, I am responsible for liaising with outside organisations, such as the Police, the NHS & The Matthew Project, and similar organisations, to deliver up to date and factual content. I lead a team of twelve members of staff, with a plethora of experience and skills, from a range of departments that contribute not just to teaching but also with developing the curriculum. I have a wealth of experience relevant to the topics being covered. Having over ten years' experience teaching and working in a boarding environment, I have encountered young people with a range of social and emotional issues, supporting young people and their families to overcome challenges which present themselves.
The PSHE curriculum is updated every half term and as such details regarding topics being delivered will be made available to parents and students via the VLE & the website. If you have any questions, queries or concerns regarding the content being delivered please do not hesitate to contact me, either via email or ext. 4379.
Mr Grant Griffiths
Head of PSHE