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Max Lewis Williams - English Speakers Union Scholarship

Congratulations to Year 13 student Max Lewis Williams who, from a highly competitive national field, has been awarded a fully paid scholarship by the English Speakers Union to spend next year studying at Lawrenceville College in New Jersey, USA.

Max was chosen following a demanding application process which culminated in interviews in London that examined his interest in American politics, history and culture and assessed the contribution he would hope to make to Lawrenceville College life next year.

Lawrenceville College is a prestigious private American high school fifty miles from New York City. It has around 800 students, 500 of whom board on the campus. These students are drawn from throughout the country and one of Max’s tasks will be to widen their understanding of British and European culture. Max will once again be classified as a final year student working towards American A-level equivalents. When he returns after his year abroad he is planning to study History at Edinburgh University.

Max is currently studying Politics, History and English at A-level and is especially looking forward to furthering his interest in the American political system, which he is studying in some detail for his A-level. An avid member of the Sixth Form Debating Society he is also looking forward to locking horns in debates with his American counterparts.

We would like to thank the English Speakers Union for making this fantastic opportunity available to Max and are sure that he will make the most of it.

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