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West End Experience

5 days, 5 professional West End performers, 6 songs, 4 dance numbers, 1 devised performance, 1 scripted extract, 2 short films and 42 exceptionally memorable performances.

Between 26th and 30th June, Wymondham College was lucky enough to host our own ‘West End Experience’ as part of the 2017 ArtsFest. Professional singers and dancers with highly established careers in theatre travelled in to put our students through some grueling choreography, intricate harmonies and thought-provoking devising work. Enthusiasm was high at the start of the week, but very quickly the students realised the sheer magnitude of what they needed to achieve in order to put on an accomplished show that Friday evening. Digging deep, the students rose to the personal and group challenges they faced.

The Drama Studios were an endless hive of activity for the whole week and various members of staff working in the Humantities Department could be found rocking quietly on the quadrangle murmuring ‘please … not Wicked … not again’!!!!!!

Soon enough Friday arrived. The technical rehearsal took place, the stage was set, the audience was in and the lights faded. When the stage lamps lit up the audience were treated to a truly outstanding spectacle of polished performances, touching songs and fabulously edited videos which was so exciting it kept the audience on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. Hugely memorable moments included an emotive devised piece based on soldiers lost during World War II, a side splitting classroom scene from ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell and a rendition of ‘When I Grow Up’ for the show ‘Matilda’ accompanied by a British Sign Language interpretation.

There is no doubt that the students involved in this tremendous feat will carry the memories of ‘West End Experience’ with them throughout their time at Wymondham College and their ongoing adventures. We would like to thank all involved, and particularly, West End Experience East immensely for helping to create what can only be described as an explosive finale to Enrichment week and the ArtsFest 2017.

The Drama Department

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